Why is there a specialist service for Deaf people?
About one in four hearing people are likely to have a mental health problem. For Deaf and hard of hearing people this figure is higher. This means that if you are Deaf and have mental health problems, you are not the only one, even though it might feel that way. You may feel worse because the staff who help you are likely to be hearing, and you may have difficulty understanding each other.
Mental health services
There are a lot of different mental health services in South Yorkshire. Most people will go to primary care (their GP) first. Most GP surgeries can offer help for mental health problems, or will refer you to specialist mental health services.
The South Yorkshire service for Deaf people with mental health needs is part of the specialist mental health services. These are for people with more serious mental health problems. We work with mental health teams to support the care and treatment for Deaf people. We also work with Deaf and hearing carers to support them in looking after their relatives with mental health problems.
Who are we?
The team includes a clinical nurse specialist in mental health and Deafness. All members of the team can sign in British Sign Language (BSL) and have experience of working with Deaf people who experience mental health problems.
What do we do?
We work with mental health teams, social services and voluntary organisations to support Deaf people with mental health problems. We will also help with assessments from a Deaf perspective to enable your needs to be met.
We will help you to do things in your life which help keep you physically and mentally healthy. These things may include:
- being aware of the things in your life that make you feel good, and making some positive changes
- exercise or sport
- a healthy diet
- having friends
- talking to others about how you’re feeling, not just when things are bad
- asking for support if you need it
Looking after your mental health is to do with every part of your life. Different things work for different people. We can try to help you to decide what’s best for you.
We will support you by promoting your Deaf identity, to help you feel better about yourself and to live and work as a valued member of the Deaf and wider communities.
If we are working with a non-signing professional, we will ask them to book an interpreter for communication.
We work with local mental health teams who will contact us if we are needed. Referrals can be made by your GP, sensory impairment team or your local Mental Health teams.
Deaf or hard of hearing service contact
Page last reviewed: December 23, 2024
Next review due: December 23, 2025
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