We are inviting people who have lived experience of mental health issues and have received or are receiving treatment from the NHS Talking Therapies service (previously IAPT) to help with a new trial.
What is the background to the project?
Mental health problems are common and effect around one in six adults. People often experience symptoms of more than one mental health issue at the same time, like anxiety and depression.
Psychological treatments often focus on treating one issue at a time, which can mean people need to access more therapy to treat their different problems. This can result in people having to wait longer to receive the treatment they need.
What is the new trial testing?
We have developed an online group therapy called uplift your life that treats multiple different mental health issues in the same intervention to help psychological services offer the best available treatment as soon as possible. The intervention focuses on how we manage our emotions. The group therapy uses modules to teach individuals different skills to cope with common features of emotional disorders. People can attend treatment online and have access to a digital app between therapy sessions to support them to engage with the intervention modules.
The UPliftX trial
We will investigate if the order that the ‘skill modules’ are delivered during therapy makes a difference to patient outcomes at the end of treatment and whether some subgroups of individuals with similar characteristics would benefit more from having certain skill modules earlier in treatment. We will run a clinical trial in the NHS where patients will have access to the digital app resources and receive online group therapy with the skill modules delivered in different sequence orders. We will contact patients who have agreed to take part in the trial 3 and 6 months later to see if their mood and quality of life has improved following treatment.
What are we looking for?
We need to include the views of those with lived experience of mental health problems in our study plans. We call this sort of activity patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE). We are looking for people to take part in a PPIE group. You do not need any experience of research to take part. As part of this group, we will as you your thoughts on:
- how we plan to carry out the research
- how the online group intervention and digital app will look and work
- how we can put the research into practice
- how we will share the results of the trial
These are all important parts of making sure the research we do is relevant to you, your life, and other people with mental health problems.
What will I be asked to do at the meetings?
- Review documents and symptom measures to make sure they are easy to understand and relevant.
- Share your experience of mental health issues and talking therapies.
- Provide feedback on the online group therapy modules and digital platform.
- Help find ways to share the results of the study with the public.
How much of my time will the meetings take?
There will be between 3 and 6 feedback tasks, which will involve either reviewing some documents and providing brief feedback or attending meetings to share your thoughts and experiences. These tasks will take between 1 and 2 hours each.
Will I be paid for my time?
Yes, payment will cover time taken to attend meetings, review documents and expenses such as travel.
When will the meetings be?
We need people to review some documents in June 2024 and then plan to start holding feedback meetings later in the summer.
Where will meetings take place?
Meetings will be online, or you can attend in person at the University of Sheffield or the Grounded Research hub in Doncaster, we will support you whichever you choose.
This research is being managed by researchers from the University of Sheffield, and Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH).
How do I get in touch?
If you would like to find out more about this research study, or are interested in being involved, please contact us using the information below.
Grounded Research team:
- Email: rdash.groundedresearch@nhs.net
- Phone: 03000 212 456
Page last reviewed: September 23, 2024
Next review due: September 23, 2025
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