Do you need to be bare below the elbows (BBE)?
Bare below the elbows is required to:
- reduce the risk of cross infection
- enable effective hand hygiene
- promote is professional image
One plain band is permitted but no other wrist or hand jewellery, false or painted nails are allowed.
Do you meet the following criteria:
- based on a ward
- a food handler
- have contact with patients in a non-ward setting, for example in a clinic or patients home and undertake hands on care for example physical observations, injections, wound care or urine testing?
- visit wards as part of your role and undertake hands on care for example physical observations, injections, wound care or urine testing?
If you have answered yes to any of the above bare below the elbows is required.
If you do not undertake hands on care but have face to face contact with patients or their environment you must have the ability to be bare below the elbows.
If you wear a uniform the trust stance is that bare below the elbows should always be adhered to in order to promote a professional image.
For colleagues who meet the criteria for being bare below the elbows but wear a bangle for religious reasons the bangle must be non-fabric and pushed up the arm and secured. Sleeves must be able to be pushed up during hands-on care but where it is not acceptable for the forearms to be exposed then over-sleeves can be worn for the episode of care.
On ward areas trust issued gilets are preferable to trust issued cardigans or fleeces. However, if trust issued cardigans or fleeces are worn then sleeves must be pushed up the arm and removed during any hands on care.
Page last reviewed: January 17, 2025
Next review due: January 17, 2026
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