All new admissions or transfers with respiratory symptoms must be isolated in a single room.
Undertake lateral flow device (LFD) testing to exclude COVID-19.
Testing is required for any patient who develops symptoms at any time during their inpatient stay.
Ensure fluid repellent surgical mask and eye protection are worn when taking swabs.
COVID-19 lateral flow device positive
- Inform IPC team.
- Isolate in a single room, cohort nursing can be undertaken for patients with the same respiratory organism.
- Isolate for 5 complete days (the day of the swab is day 0).
- No further swabs required.
- Isolation can be discontinued at day 6.
- If the patient is severely immunocompromised liaise with appropriate clinician and obtain advice from IPC team if required.
COVID-19 lateral flow device negative
- Complete viral swab for influenza.
- Clinical review required and obtain other relevant pathology specimens, investigations for example, sputum, CXR, CRP.
Influenza positive
- Inform IPC team.
- Isolate in a single room, cohort nursing can be undertaken for patients with the same respiratory organism.
- Isolate for 5 complete days (the day of the swab is day 0).
- No further swabs required.
- Isolation can be discontinued at day 6.
- If the patient is severely immunocompromised liaise with appropriate clinician and obtain advice from IPC team if required.
Patients can be discharged to their own home, at any time in the isolation timeframe, if deemed safe and appropriate.
Patients being discharged to a care home or hospice will require a single LFD test within 48 hours before discharge.
Page last reviewed: January 21, 2025
Next review due: January 21, 2026
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