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Transportation of sharps or specimens

Do you obtain specimens for transportation to local laboratory?

If yes, follow the steps below:

  1. all packaged specimens must be transported in a box with a yellow label (UN3373), this is a legal requirement
  2. place specimen container into request form bag
  3. place request form bags containing specimens into a transportation bag (tertiary receptacle), which contains absorbent material
  4. if using more than one bag, separate bloods from non-blood specimens
  5. bagged or sharps waste cannot be transported in this box

Do you carry out sharps procedures?

If yes, follow the steps below:

  1. it is best practice to use a transport box with a green label to transport sharps containers, however there may be occasions where bigger sharps containers are required that do not fit into the transport box and control measures are required
  2. container must be assembled correctly with the lid secured
  3. temporary closure must be in place
  4. the container must be secure in the boot and not able to roll around
  5. the parcel shelf must be in place

The trust’s transport document should be carried in all vehicles carrying sharps.

Bagged waste can also be transported in this box.

If you use the red insulated bag to transport equipment the sharps container can be placed inside the bag.

Page last reviewed: March 12, 2024
Next review due: March 12, 2025


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