Part 1, interpretation
Part 2, timetable for election
Part 3, returning officer
Part 4, Stages common to contested and uncontested elections
- 8 Notice of election
- 9 Nomination of candidates
- 10 Candidate’s particulars
- 11 Declaration of interests
- 12 Declaration of eligibility
- 13 Signature of candidate
- 14 Decisions as to validity of nomination papers
- 15 Publication of statement of nominated candidates
- 16 Inspection of statement of nominated candidates and nomination papers
- 17 Withdrawal of candidates
- 18 Method of election
Part 5, contested elections
Action to be taken before the poll
- 22 List of eligible voters
- 23 Notice of poll
- 24 Issue of voting documents
- 25 Ballot paper envelope and covering envelope
- 26 E-voting systems
The poll
- 27 Eligibility to vote
- 28 Voting by persons who require assistance
- 29 Spoilt ballot papers and spoilt text message votes
- 30 Lost ballot papers
- 31 Issue of replacement voting information
- 32 ID declaration form for replacement ballot papers (public and patient constituencies)
- 33 Procedure for remote voting by internet
- 34 Procedure for remote voting by telephone
- 35 Procedure for remote voting by text message
Procedure for receipt of envelopes, internet votes, telephone vote and text message votes
- 36 Receipt of voting documents
- 37 Validity of ballot paper
- 38 Declaration of identity but no ballot (public and patient constituency)
- 39 De-duplication of votes
- 40 Sealing of packets
Part 6, Counting the votes
- STV41, interpretation of part 6
- 42 Arrangements for counting of the votes
- 43 The count
- STV44, rejected ballot papers and rejected text voting records
- FPP44, rejected ballot papers and rejected text voting records
- STV45, first stage
- STV46, the quota
- STV47, transfer of votes
- STV48, supplementary provisions on transfer
- STV49
- STV50, filling of last vacancies
- STV51, order of election of candidates
- FPP51, equality of votes
Part 7, Final proceedings in contested and uncontested elections
- FPP52, declaration of result for contested elections
- STV52, declaration of result for contested elections
- 53 Declaration of result for uncontested elections
Part 8, Disposal of documents
- 54 Sealing up of documents relating to the poll
- 55 Delivery of documents
- 56 Forwarding of documents received after close of the poll
- 57 Retention and public inspection of documents
- 58 Application for inspection of certain documents relating to election
Part 9, Death of a candidate during contested election
- FPP59, countermand or abandonment of poll on death of candidate
- STV59, countermand or abandonment of poll on death of candidate
Part 10, Election expenses and publicity
- 63 Publicity about election by the corporation
- 64 Information about candidates for inclusion with voting information
- 65 Meaning of “for the purposes of an election”
Part 11, Questioning elections and irregularities
Part 12, miscellaneous
Part 1, interpretation
1 Interpretation
1.1, in these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:
Term | Definition |
2006 Act | The National Health Service Act 2006 |
Corporation | The public benefit corporation subject to this constitution |
Council of governors | The council of governors of the corporation |
Declaration of identity | The meaning set out in rule 21.1 |
Election | An election by a constituency, or by a class within a constituency, to fill a vacancy among one or more posts on the council of governors; |
E-voting | Voting using either the internet, telephone or text message |
E-voting information | Has the meaning set out in rule 24.2 |
ID declaration form | Has the meaning set out in Rule 21.1; “internet voting record” has the meaning set out in rule 26.4(d) |
Internet voting system | Such computer hardware and software, data other equipment and services as may be provided by the returning officer for the purpose of enabling voters to cast their votes using the internet; |
Lead governor | The governor nominated by the corporation to fulfil the role described in Appendix B to The NHS Foundation Trust Code of Governance (Monitor, December 2013) or any later version of such code |
List of eligible voters | The list referred to in rule 22.1, containing the information in rule 22.2 |
Method of polling | A method of casting a vote in a poll, which may be by post, internet, text message or telephone |
Monitor | The corporate body known as Monitor as provided by section 61 of the 2012 Act |
Numerical voting code | Has the meaning set out in rule 64.2(b) |
Polling website | Has the meaning set out in rule 26.1 |
Postal voting information | Has the meaning set out in rule 24.1 |
Telephone short code | A short telephone number used for the purposes of submitting a vote by text message |
Telephone voting facility | The meaning set out in rule 26.2 |
Telephone voting record | The meaning set out in rule 26.5 (d) |
Text message voting facility | The meaning set out in rule 26.3 |
Text voting record | The meaning set out in rule 26.6 (d) |
The telephone voting system | telephone voting facility as may be provided by the returning officer for the purpose of enabling voters to cast their votes by telephone |
The text message voting system | Text messaging voting facility as may be provided by the returning officer for the purpose of enabling voters to cast their votes by text message |
Voter ID number | A unique, randomly generated numeric identifier allocated to each voter by the returning officer for the purpose of e-voting, |
Voting information | Means postal voting information and, or e-voting information |
1.2, other expressions used in these rules and in schedule 7 to the NHS Act 2006 have the same meaning in these rules as in that schedule.
Part 2, timetable for election
2 Timetable
2.1, the proceedings at an election shall be conducted in accordance with the following timetable.
Proceeding | Time |
Publication of notice of election | Not later than the fortieth day before the day of the close of the poll |
Final day for delivery of nomination papers to returning officer | Not later than the twenty-eighth day before the day of the close of the poll |
Publication of statement of nominated candidates | Not later than the twenty-seventh day before the day of the close of the poll |
Final day for delivery of notices of withdrawals by candidates from election | Not later than twenty-fifth day before the day of the close of the poll |
Notice of the poll | Not later than the fifteenth day before the day of the close of the poll |
Close of the poll | By 5:00pm on the final day of the election |
3 Computation of time
3.1, in computing any period of time for the purposes of the timetable:
- Saturday or Sunday
- Christmas day, Good Friday, or a bank holiday; or
- a day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning, shall be disregarded, and any such day shall not be treated as a day for the purpose of any proceedings up to the completion of the poll, nor shall the returning officer be obliged to proceed with the counting of votes on such a day
3.2, in this rule, “bank holiday” means a day which is a bank holiday under the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971 in England and Wales.
Part 3, returning officer
4 Returning officer
4.1, subject to rule 69, the returning officer for an election is to be appointed by the trust.
4.2, where two or more elections are to be held concurrently, the same returning officer may be appointed for all those elections.
5 Staff
5.1, Subject to rule 69, the returning officer may appoint and pay such staff, including such technical advisers, as they consider necessary for the purposes of the election.
6 Expenditure
6.1, the corporation is to pay the returning officer:
- any expenses incurred by that officer in the exercise of their functions under these rules
- such remuneration and other expenses as the corporation may determine
7 Duty of co-operation
7.1, The corporation is to co-operate with the returning officer in the exercise of their functions under these rules.
8 Notice of election
The returning officer is to publish a notice of the election stating:
- the constituency, or class within a constituency, for which the election is being held
- the number of members of the council of governors to be elected from that constituency, or class within that constituency
- the details of any nomination committee that has been established by the corporation
- the address and times at which nomination forms may be obtained
- the address for return of nomination forms (including, where the return of nomination forms in an electronic format will be permitted, the e-mail address for such return) and the date and time by which they must be received by the returning officer
- the date and time by which any notice of withdrawal must be received by the returning officer
- the contact details of the returning officer
- the date and time of the close of the poll in the event of a contest
9 Nomination of candidates
9.1, subject to rule 9.2, each candidate must nominate themselves on a single nomination paper.
9.2, the returning officer:
- is to supply any member of the corporation with a nomination form, and
- is to prepare a nomination paper for signature at the request of any member of the corporation but it is not necessary for a nomination to be on a form supplied by the returning officer and a nomination can, subject to rule 13, be in an electronic format
10 Candidate’s consent and particulars
10.1, the nomination form must state the candidate’s:
- full name
- contact address in full; (which should be a postal address, although an e-mail address may also be provided for the purposes of electronic communication), and
- constituency, or class within a constituency, of which the candidate is a member
11 Declaration of interests
11.1, The nomination form must state:
- any financial interest that the candidate has in the corporation, and
- whether the candidate is a member of a political party, and if so, which party, and if the candidate has no such interests, the paper must include a statement to that effect
12 Declaration of eligibility
12.1, The nomination form must include a declaration made by the candidate:
- that he or she is not prevented from being a member of the council of governors by paragraph 8 of schedule 7 of the 2006 Act or by any provision of the constitution; and
- for a member of the public or patient constituency, of the particulars of their qualification to vote as a member of that constituency, or class within that constituency, for which the election is being held
13 Signature of candidate
13.1, The nomination form must be signed and dated by the candidate, in a manner prescribed by the returning officer, indicating that:
- they wish to stand as a candidate
- their declaration of interests, as required under rule 11 is true and correct, and
- their declaration of eligibility, as required under rule 12 is true and correct
13.2, where the return of nomination forms in an electronic format is permitted, the returning officer shall specify the particular signature formalities (if any) that will need to be complied with by the candidate.
14 Decisions as to validity of nomination papers
14.1, where a nomination form is received by the returning officer in accordance with these rules, the candidate is deemed to stand for election unless and until the returning officer:
- decides that the candidate is not eligible to stand
- decides that the nomination form is invalid
- receives satisfactory proof that the candidate has died, or
- receives a written request by the candidate of their withdrawal from candidacy
14.2 The returning officer is entitled to decide that a nomination form is invalid only on one of the following grounds:
- that the paper is not received on or before the final time and date for return of nomination forms, as specified in the notice of the election
- that the paper does not contain the candidate’s particulars, as required by rule 10
- that the paper does not contain a declaration of the interests of the candidate, as required by rule 11
- that the paper does not include a declaration of eligibility as required by rule 12, or
- that the paper is not signed and dated by the candidate, as if required by rule 13
14.3, the returning officer is to examine each nomination form as soon as is practicable after he or she has received it, and decide whether the candidate has been validly nominated.
14.4, where the returning officer decides that a nomination is invalid, the returning officer must endorse this on the nomination form, stating the reasons for their decision.
14.5, the returning officer is to send notice of the decision as to whether a nomination is valid or invalid to the candidate at the contact address given in the candidate’s nomination form. If an e-mail address has been given in the candidate’s nomination form (in addition to the candidate’s postal address), the returning officer may send notice of the decision to that address.
15 Publication of statement of nominated candidates
15.1, the returning officer is to prepare and publish a statement showing the candidates who are standing for election.
15.2, the statement must show:
- (a) the name, contact address (which shall be the candidate’s postal address), and constituency or class within a constituency of each candidate standing, and
- the declared interests of each candidate standing, as given in their nomination form
15.3, the statement must list the candidates standing for Election in alphabetical order by surname.
15.4, the returning officer must send a copy of the statement of candidates and copies of the nomination form to the corporation as soon as is practicable after publishing the statement.
16 Inspection of statement of nominated candidates and nomination forms
16.1, the corporation is to make the statement of the candidates and the nomination forms supplied by the returning officer under rule 15.4 available for inspection by members of the corporation free of charge at all reasonable times.
16.2, if a member of the corporation requests a copy or extract of the statements of candidates or their nomination forms, the corporation is to provide that member with the copy or extract free of charge.
17 Withdrawal of candidates
A candidate may withdraw from election on or before the date and time for withdrawal by candidates, by providing to the returning officer a written notice of withdrawal which is signed by the candidate and attested by a witness.
18 Method of election
18.1, if the number of candidates remaining validly nominated for an election after any withdrawals under these rules is greater than the number of members to be elected to the council of governors, a poll is to be taken in accordance with parts 5 and 6 of these rules.
18.2, if the number of candidates remaining validly nominated for an election after any withdrawals under these rules is equal to the number of members to be elected to the council of governors, those candidates are to be declared elected in accordance with part 7 of these rules.
18.3, if the number of candidates remaining validly nominated for an election after any withdrawals under these rules is less than the number of members to be elected to be council of governors, then:
- the candidates who remain validly nominated are to be declared elected in accordance with part 7 of these rules; and
- the returning officer is to order a new election to fill any vacancy which remains unfilled, on a day appointed by him or her in consultation with the corporation
Part 5, contested elections
Contested elections
19 Poll to be taken by ballot
19.1, the votes at the poll must be given by secret ballot.
19.2, the votes are to be counted and the result of the poll determined in accordance with part 6 of these rules.
19.3, the corporation may decide that voters within a constituency or class within a constituency, may, subject to rule 19.4, cast their votes at the poll using such different methods of polling in any combination as the corporation may determine.
19.4, the corporation may decide that voters within a constituency or class within a constituency for whom an e-mail address is included in the list of eligible voters may only cast their votes at the poll using an e-voting method of polling.
19.5, before the corporation decides, in accordance with rule 19.3 that one or more e-voting methods of polling will be made available for the purposes of the poll, the corporation must satisfy itself that:
- if internet voting is to be a method of polling, the internet voting system to be used for the purpose of the election is:
- configured in accordance with these rules; and
- will create an accurate internet voting record in respect of any voter who casts their vote using the internet voting system
- if telephone voting to be a method of polling, the telephone voting system to be used for the purpose of the election is:
- configured in accordance with these rules; and
- will create an accurate telephone voting record in respect of any voter who casts their vote using the telephone voting system
- if text message voting is to be a method of polling, the text message voting system to be used for the purpose of the election is:
- configured in accordance with these rules; and
- will create an accurate text voting record in respect of any voter who casts their vote using the text message voting system
20 The ballot paper
20.1, the ballot of each voter (other than a voter who casts their ballot by an e-voting method of polling) is to consist of a ballot paper with the persons remaining validly nominated for an election after any withdrawals under these rules, and no others, inserted in the paper.
20.2, every ballot paper must specify:
- the name of the corporation
- the constituency, or class within a constituency, for which the election is being held
- the number of members of the council of governors to be elected from that constituency, or class within that constituency
- the names and other particulars of the candidates standing for election, with the details and order being the same as in the statement of nominated candidates
- instructions on how to vote; by all available methods of polling, including the relevant voter’s voter ID number if one or more e-voting methods of polling are available,
- if the ballot paper is to be returned by post, the address for its return and the date and time of the close of the poll; and
- the contact details of the returning officer
20.3, each ballot paper must have a unique identifier.
20.4, each ballot paper must have features incorporated into it to prevent it from being reproduced.
21 The declaration of identity (public and patient constituencies)
21.1, the corporation shall require each voter who participates in an election for a public or patient constituency to make a declaration confirming:
- that the voter is the person:
- to whom the ballot paper was addressed, and, or
- to whom the voter ID number contained within the e-voting information was allocated,
- that he or she has not marked or returned any other voting information in the election, and
- the particulars of their qualification to vote as a member of the constituency or class within the constituency for which the election is being held, (“declaration of identity”) and the corporation shall make such arrangements as it considers appropriate to facilitate the making and the return of a declaration of identity by each voter, whether by the completion of a paper form (“ID declaration form”) or the use of an electronic method
21.2, the voter must be required to return his or her declaration of identity with their ballot.
21.3, the voting information shall caution the voter that if the declaration of identity is not duly returned or is returned without having been made correctly, any vote cast by the voter may be declared invalid.
Action to be taken before the poll
22 List of eligible voters
22.1, the corporation is to provide the returning officer with a list of the members of the constituency or class within a constituency for which the election is being held who are eligible to vote by virtue of rule 27 as soon as is reasonably practicable after the final date for the delivery of notices of withdrawals by candidates from an election.
22.2, the list is to include, for each member.
- a postal address; and,
- the member’s e-mail address, if this has been provided to which their voting information may, subject to rule 22.3, be sent
22.3, the corporation may decide that the e-voting information is to be sent only by e-mail to those members in the list of eligible voters for whom an e-mail address is included in that list.
23 Notice of poll
The returning officer is to publish a notice of the poll stating:
- the name of the corporation
- the constituency, or class within a constituency, for which the election is being held
- the number of members of the council of governors to be elected from that constituency, or class with that constituency
- the names, contact addresses, and other particulars of the candidates standing for election, with the details and order being the same as in the statement of nominated candidates
- that the ballot papers for the election are to be issued and returned, if appropriate, by post
- the methods of polling by which votes may be cast at the election by voters in a constituency or class within a constituency, as determined by the corporation in accordance with rule 19.3
- the address for return of the ballot papers
- the uniform resource locator (url) where, if internet voting is a method of polling, the polling website is located
- the telephone number where, if telephone voting is a method of polling, the telephone voting facility is located
- the telephone number or telephone short code where, if text message voting is a method of polling, the text message voting facility is located
- the address for return of the ballot papers, and the date and time of the close of the poll
- the address and final dates for applications for replacement voting information, and
- the contact details of the returning officer
24 Issue of voting information by returning officer
24.1, subject to rule 24.3, as soon as is reasonably practicable on or after the publication of the notice of the poll, the returning officer is to send the following information by post to each member of the corporation named in the list of eligible voters:
- a ballot paper and ballot paper envelope
- the ID declaration form (if required)
- information about each candidate standing for election, pursuant to rule 61 of these rules, and
- a covering envelope
24.2, subject to rules 24.3 and 24.4, as soon as is reasonably practicable on or after the publication of the notice of the poll, the returning officer is to send the following information by e-mail and, or by post to each member of the corporation named in the list of eligible voters whom the corporation determines in accordance with rule 19.3 and, or rule 19.4 may cast their vote by an e-voting method of polling:
- instructions on how to vote and how to make a declaration of identity (if required)
- the voter’s voter ID number
- information about each candidate standing for election, pursuant to rule 64 of these rules, or details of where this information is readily available on the internet or available in such other formats as the Returning Officer thinks appropriate, (d) contact details of the returning officer, (“e-voting information”).
24.3, the corporation may determine that any member of the corporation shall:
- only be sent postal voting information; or
- only be sent e-voting information; or
- be sent both postal voting information and e-voting information; for the purposes of the poll
24.4, if the corporation determines, in accordance with rule 22.3, that the e-voting information is to be sent only by e-mail to those members in the list of eligible voters for whom an e-mail address is included in that list, then the returning officer shall only send that information by e-mail.
24.5, the voting information is to be sent to the postal address and, or e-mail address for each member, as specified in the list of eligible voters.
25 Ballot paper envelope and covering envelope
25.1, the ballot paper envelope must have clear instructions to the voter printed on it, instructing the voter to seal the ballot paper inside the envelope once the ballot paper has been marked.
25.2, the covering envelope is to have:
- the address for return of the ballot paper printed on it, and
- pre-paid postage for return to that address
25.2, there should be clear instructions, either printed on the covering envelope or elsewhere, instructing the voter to seal the following documents inside the covering envelope and return it to the returning officer:
- the completed ID declaration form if required, and
- the ballot paper envelope, with the ballot paper sealed inside it
26 E-voting systems
26.1, if internet voting is a method of polling for the relevant election then the returning officer must provide a website for the purpose of voting over the internet (in these rules referred to as “the polling website”).
26.2, if telephone voting is a method of polling for the relevant election then the returning officer must provide an automated telephone system for the purpose of voting by the use of a touch-tone telephone (in these rules referred to as “the telephone voting facility”).
26.3, if text message voting is a method of polling for the relevant election then the returning officer must provide an automated text messaging system for the purpose of voting by text message (in these rules referred to as “the text message voting facility”).
26.4, the returning officer shall ensure that the polling website and internet voting system provided will:
- require a voter to:
- enter their voter ID number; and
- where the election is for a public or patient constituency, make a declaration of identity; in order to be able to cast their vote;
- specify:
- the name of the corporation
- the constituency, or class within a constituency, for which the election is being held
- the number of members of the council of governors to be elected from that constituency, or class within that constituency
- the names and other particulars of the candidates standing for election, with the details and order being the same as in the statement of nominated candidates
- instructions on how to vote and how to make a declaration of identity
- the date and time of the close of the poll, and
- the contact details of the returning officer
- prevent a voter from voting for more candidates than he or she is entitled to at the election
- create a record (“internet voting record”) that is stored in the internet voting system in respect of each vote cast by a voter using the internet that comprises:
- the voter’s voter ID number
- the voter’s declaration of identity (where required)
- the candidate or candidates for whom the voter has voted; and
- the date and time of the voter’s vote
- if the voter’s vote has been duly cast and recorded, provide the voter with confirmation of this; and
- prevent any voter from voting after the close of poll.
26.5, the returning officer shall ensure that the telephone voting facility and telephone voting system provided will:
- require a voter to:
- enter their voter ID number in order to be able to cast their vote; and
- where the election is for a public or patient constituency, make a declaration of identity
- specify:
- the name of the corporation
- the constituency, or class within a constituency, for which the election is being held
- the number of members of the council of governors to be elected from that constituency, or class within that constituency
- instructions on how to vote and how to make a declaration of identity
- the date and time of the close of the poll, and
- the contact details of the returning officer
- prevent a voter from voting for more candidates than he or she is entitled to at the election;
- create a record (“telephone voting record”) that is stored in the telephone voting system in respect of each vote cast by a voter using the telephone that comprises:
- the voter’s voter ID number
- the voter’s declaration of identity (where required)
- the candidate or candidates for whom the voter has voted; and
- the date and time of the voter’s vote
- if the voter’s vote has been duly cast and recorded, provide the voter with confirmation of this
- prevent any voter from voting after the close of poll
- require a voter to:
26.6, the returning officer shall ensure that the text message voting facility and text messaging voting system provided will:
- require a voter to:
- provide their voter ID number; and
- where the election is for a public or patient constituency, make a declaration of identity; in order to be able to cast their vote
- prevent a voter from voting for more candidates than they are entitled to at the election
- create a record (“text voting record”) that is stored in the text messaging voting system in respect of each vote cast by a voter by text message that comprises:
- the voter’s voter ID number
- the voter’s declaration of identity (where required)
- the candidate or candidates for whom the voter has voted; and
- the date and time of the voter’s vote
- if the voter’s vote has been duly cast and recorded, provide the voter with confirmation of this
- prevent any voter from voting after the close of poll
The poll
27 Eligibility to vote
27.1, An individual who becomes a member of the corporation on or before the closing date for the receipt of nominations by candidates for the election is eligible to vote in that election.
28 Voting by persons who require assistance
28.1, the returning officer is to put in place arrangements to enable requests for assistance to vote to be made.
28.2, where the returning officer receives a request from a voter who requires assistance to vote, the returning officer is to make such arrangements as they consider necessary to enable that voter to vote.
29 Spoilt ballot papers and spoilt text message votes
29.1, if a voter has dealt with their ballot paper in such a manner that it cannot be accepted as a ballot paper (referred as a “spoilt ballot paper”), that voter may apply to the returning officer for a replacement ballot paper.
29.2, on receiving an application, the returning officer is to obtain the details of the unique identifier on the spoilt ballot paper, if he or she can obtain it.
29.3, the returning officer may not issue a replacement ballot paper for a spoilt ballot paper unless he or she:
- is satisfied as to the voter’s identity; and
- has ensured that the completed ID declaration form, if required, has not been returned
29.4, after issuing a replacement ballot paper for a spoilt ballot paper, the returning officer shall enter in a list (“the list of spoilt ballot papers”):
- the name of the voter; and
- the details of the unique identifier of the spoilt ballot paper (if that officer was able to obtain it); and
- the details of the unique identifier of the replacement ballot paper
30 Lost voting information
30.1, where a voter has not received their voting information by the tenth day before the close of the poll, that voter may apply to the returning officer for replacement voting information.
30.2, the returning officer may not issue replacement voting information in respect of lost voting information unless they:
- are satisfied as to the voter’s identity
- have no reason to doubt that the voter did not receive the original voting information
- have ensured that no declaration of identity, if required, has been returned
30.3, after issuing replacement voting information in respect of lost voting information, the returning officer shall enter in a list (“the list of lost ballot documents”):
- the name of the voter
- the details of the unique identifier of the replacement ballot paper, if applicable, and
- the voter ID number of the voter
31 Issue of replacement voting information
31.1, if a person applies for replacement voting information under rule 29 or 30 and a declaration of identity has already been received by the returning officer in the name of that voter, the returning officer may not issue replacement voting information unless, in addition to the requirements imposed by rule 29.3 or 30.2, he or she is also satisfied that that person has not already voted in the election, notwithstanding the fact that a declaration of identity if required has already been received by the returning officer in the name of that voter.
31.2, after issuing replacement voting information under this rule, the returning officer shall enter in a list (“the list of tendered voting information”):
- the name of the voter
- the unique identifier of any replacement ballot paper issued under this rule
- the voter ID number of the voter
32 ID declaration form for replacement ballot papers (public and patient constituencies)
32.1, in respect of an election for a public or patient constituency an ID declaration form must be issued with each replacement ballot paper requiring the voter to make a declaration of identity.
Polling by internet, telephone or text
33 Procedure for remote voting by internet
33.1, to cast their vote using the internet, a voter will need to gain access to the polling website by keying in the url of the polling website provided in the voting information.
33.2, when prompted to do so, the voter will need to enter their voter ID number.
33.3, if the internet voting system authenticates the voter ID number, the system will give the voter access to the polling website for the election in which the voter is eligible to vote.
33.4, to cast their vote, the voter will need to key in a mark on the screen opposite the particulars of the candidate or candidates for whom they wish to cast their vote.
33.5, the voter will not be able to access the internet voting system for an election once their vote at that election has been cast.
34 Voting procedure for remote voting by telephone
34.1, to cast their vote by telephone, the voter will need to gain access to the telephone voting facility by calling the designated telephone number provided in the voter information using a telephone with a touch-tone keypad.
34.2, when prompted to do so, the voter will need to enter their voter ID number using the keypad.
34.3, if the telephone voting facility authenticates the voter ID number, the voter will be prompted to vote in the election.
34.4, when prompted to do so the voter may then cast their vote by keying in the numerical voting code of the candidate or candidates, for whom he or she wishes to vote.
34.5, the voter will not be able to access the telephone voting facility for an election once their vote at that election has been cast.
35 Voting procedure for remote voting by text message
35.1, to cast their vote by text message the voter will need to gain access to the text message voting facility by sending a text message to the designated telephone number or telephone short code provided in the voter information.
35.2, the text message sent by the voter must contain their voter ID number and the numerical voting code for the candidate or candidates, for whom they wish to vote.
35.3, the text message sent by the voter will need to be structured in accordance with the instructions on how to vote contained in the voter information, otherwise the vote will not be cast.
36 Receipt of voting documents
36.1, where the returning officer receives:
- a covering envelope; or
- any other envelope containing an ID declaration form if required, a ballot paper envelope, or a ballot paper
Before the close of the poll, that officer is to open it as soon as is practicable; and rules 37 and 38 are to apply.
36.2, the returning officer may open any covering envelope or any ballot paper envelope for the purposes of rules 37 and 38, but must make arrangements to ensure that no person obtains or communicates information as to:
- the candidate for whom a voter has voted; or
- the unique identifier on a ballot paper
36.3, the returning officer must make arrangements to ensure the safety and security of the ballot papers and other documents.
37 Validity of ballot votes
37.1, a ballot paper shall not be taken to be duly returned unless the returning officer is satisfied that it has been received by the returning officer before the close of the poll, with an ID declaration form if required that has been correctly completed, signed, and dated.
37.2, where the returning officer is satisfied that rule 37.1 has been fulfilled, he or she is to:
- put the ID declaration form if required in a separate packet, and
- put the ballot paper aside for counting after the close of the poll
37.3, where the returning officer is not satisfied that rule 37.1 has been fulfilled, they are to:
- mark the ballot paper “disqualified”
- if there is an ID declaration form accompanying the ballot paper, mark it “disqualified” and attach it to the ballot paper
- record the unique identifier on the ballot paper in a list of disqualified documents (the “list of disqualified documents”); and
- place the document or documents in a separate packet
37.4, an internet, telephone or text message vote shall not be taken to be duly returned unless the returning officer is satisfied that the internet voting record, telephone voting record or text voting record (as applicable) has been received by the returning officer before the close of the poll, with a declaration of identity if required that has been correctly made.
37.5, where the returning officer is satisfied that rule 37.4 has been fulfilled, they are to put the internet voting record, telephone voting record or text voting record (as applicable) aside for counting after the close of the poll.
37.6, where the returning officer is not satisfied that rule 37.4 has been fulfilled, they are to:
- mark the internet voting record, telephone voting record or text voting record (as applicable) “disqualified”
- record the voter ID number on the internet voting record, telephone voting record or text voting record (as applicable) in the list of disqualified documents; and
- place the document or documents in a separate packet
38 Declaration of identity but no ballot paper (public and patient constituency)
Where the returning officer receives a ID declaration form if required but no ballot paper, the returning officer is to:
- mark the ID declaration form “disqualified”
- record the name of the voter in the list of disqualified documents, indicating that a declaration of identity was received from the voter without a ballot paper; and
- place the ID declaration form in a separate packet
39 De-duplication of votes
39.1, where different methods of polling are being used in an election, the returning officer shall examine all votes cast to ascertain if a voter ID number has been used more than once to cast a vote in the election.
39.2, if the returning officer ascertains that a voter ID number has been used more than once to cast a vote in the election they shall:
- only accept as duly returned the first vote received that was cast using the relevant voter ID number; and
- mark as “disqualified” all other votes that were cast using the relevant voter ID number
39.3 Where a ballot paper is disqualified under this rule the returning officer shall:
- mark the ballot paper “disqualified”
- if there is an ID declaration form accompanying the ballot paper, mark it “disqualified” and attach it to the ballot paper
- record the unique identifier and the voter ID number on the ballot paper in the list of disqualified documents
- place the document or documents in a separate packet; and
- disregard the ballot paper when counting the votes in accordance with these rules
39.4, where an internet voting record, telephone voting record or text voting record is disqualified under this rule the returning officer shall:
- mark the internet voting record, telephone voting record or text voting record (as applicable) “disqualified”
- record the voter ID number on the internet voting record, telephone voting record or text voting record (as applicable) in the list of disqualified documents
- place the internet voting record, telephone voting record or text voting record (as applicable) in a separate packet, and
- disregard the internet voting record, telephone voting record or text voting record (as applicable) when counting the votes in accordance with these rules
40 Sealing of packets
As soon as is possible after the close of the poll and after the completion of the procedure under rules 37 and 38, the returning officer is to seal the packets containing:
- the disqualified documents, together with the list of disqualified documents inside it
- the ID declaration forms if required
- the list of spoilt ballot papers; and the list of spoilt text message votes
- the list of lost ballot documents
- the list of eligible voters; and
- the list of tendered voting information
And ensure that complete electronic copies of the internet voting records, telephone voting records and text voting records created in accordance with rule 26 are held in a device suitable for the purpose of storage.
Part 6, counting the votes
STV41, interpretation of part 6
In part 6 of these rules:
- “ballot document” means a ballot paper, internet voting record, telephone voting record or text voting record
- “continuing candidate” means any candidate not deemed to be elected, and not excluded
- “count” means all the operations involved in counting of the first preferences recorded for candidates, the transfer of the surpluses of elected candidates, and the transfer of the votes of the excluded candidates
- “deemed to be elected” means deemed to be elected for the purposes of counting of votes but without prejudice to the declaration of the result of the poll
- “mark” means a figure, an identifiable written word, or a mark such as “X”
- “non-transferable vote” means a ballot document:
- (a) on which no second or subsequent preference is recorded for a continuing candidate, or
- (b) which is excluded by the returning officer under rule STV49
- “preference” as used in the following contexts has the meaning assigned below:
- “first preference” means the figure “1” or any mark or word which clearly indicates a first (or only) preference
- “next available preference” means a preference which is the second, or as the case may be, subsequent preference recorded in consecutive order for a continuing candidate (any candidate who is deemed to be elected or is excluded thereby being ignored); and
- in this context, a “second preference” is shown by the figure “2” or any mark or word which clearly indicates a second preference, and a third preference by the figure “3” or any mark or word which clearly indicates a third preference, and so on
- “quota” means the number calculated in accordance with rule STV46,
- “surplus” means the number of votes by which the total number of votes for any candidate (whether first preference or transferred votes, or a combination of both) exceeds the quota; but references in these rules to the transfer of the surplus means the transfer (at a transfer value) of all transferable ballot documents from the candidate who has the surplus
- “stage of the count” means:
- the determination of the first preference vote of each candidate,
- the transfer of a surplus of a candidate deemed to be elected, or
- the exclusion of one or more candidates at any given time,
- “transferable vote” means a ballot document on which, following a first preference, a second or subsequent preference is recorded in consecutive numerical order for a continuing candidate,
- “transferred vote” means a vote derived from a ballot document on which a second or subsequent preference is recorded for the candidate to whom that ballot document has been transferred, and
- “transfer value” means the value of a transferred vote calculated in accordance with rules STV47.4 or STV47.7.
42 Arrangements for counting of the votes
42.1, the returning officer is to make arrangements for counting the votes as soon as is practicable after the close of the poll.
42.2, the returning officer may make arrangements for any votes to be counted using vote counting software where:
- the board of directors and the council of governors of the corporation have approved:
- the use of such software for the purpose of counting votes in the relevant election, and
- a policy governing the use of such software, and
- the corporation and the returning officer are satisfied that the use of such software will produce an accurate result
43 The count
43.1, the returning officer is to:
- count and record the number of:
- ballot papers that have been returned; and
- the number of internet voting records, telephone voting records and, or text voting records that have been created, and
- count the votes according to the provisions in this Part of the rules and, or the provisions of any policy approved pursuant to rule 42.2(ii) where vote counting software is being used.
43.2, the returning officer, while counting and recording the number of ballot papers, internet voting records, telephone voting records and, or text voting records and counting the votes, must make arrangements to ensure that no person obtains or communicates information as to the unique identifier on a ballot paper or the voter ID number on an internet voting record, telephone voting record or text voting record.
43.3, the returning officer is to proceed continuously with counting the votes as far as is practicable.
STV44 Rejected ballot papers and rejected text voting records
STV44.1, any ballot paper:
- which does not bear the features that have been incorporated into the other ballot papers to prevent them from being reproduced
- on which the figure “1” standing alone is not placed so as to indicate a first preference for any candidate
- on which anything is written or marked by which the voter can be identified except the unique identifier, or
- which is unmarked or rejected because of uncertainty
Shall be rejected and not counted, but the ballot paper shall not be rejected by reason only of carrying the words “one”, “two”, “three” and so on, or any other mark instead of a figure if, in the opinion of the returning officer, the word or mark clearly indicates a preference or preferences.
STV44.2, the returning officer is to endorse the word “rejected” on any ballot paper which under this rule is not to be counted.
STV44.3, any text voting record:
- on which the figure “1” standing alone is not placed so as to indicate a first preference for any candidate
- on which anything is written or marked by which the voter can be identified except the unique identifier, or
- which is unmarked or rejected because of uncertainty
Shall be rejected and not counted, but the text voting record shall not be rejected by reason only of carrying the words “one”, “two”, “three” and so on, or any other mark instead of a figure if, in the opinion of the returning officer, the word or mark clearly indicates a preference or preferences.
STV44.4, the returning officer is to endorse the word “rejected” on any text voting record which under this rule is not to be counted.
STV44.5, the returning officer is to draw up a statement showing the number of ballot papers rejected by them under each of the subparagraphs (a) to (d) of rule STV44.1 and the number of text voting records rejected by the returning officer under each of the sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) of rule STV44.3.
FPP44 Rejected ballot papers and rejected text voting records
FPP44.1 Any ballot paper:
- which does not bear the features that have been incorporated into the other ballot papers to prevent them from being reproduced
- on which votes are given for more candidates than the voter is entitled to vote
- on which anything is written or marked by which the voter can be identified except the unique identifier, or
- which is unmarked or rejected because of uncertainty, shall, subject to rules FPP44.2 and FPP44.3, be rejected and not counted.
FPP44.2, where the voter is entitled to vote for more than one candidate, a ballot paper is not to be rejected because of uncertainty in respect of any vote where no uncertainty arises, and that vote is to be counted.
FPP44.3, a ballot paper on which a vote is marked:
- elsewhere than in the proper place
- otherwise than by means of a clear mark
- by more than one mark
Is not to be rejected for such reason (either wholly or in respect of that vote) if an intention that the vote shall be for one or other of the candidates clearly appears, and the way the paper is marked does not itself identify the voter and it is not shown that they can be identified by it.
FPP44.4, the returning officer is to:
- endorse the word “rejected” on any ballot paper which under this rule is not to be counted, and
- in the case of a ballot paper on which any vote is counted under rules FPP44.2 and FPP 44.3, endorse the words “rejected in part” on the ballot paper and indicate which vote or votes have been counted
FPP44.5 The returning officer is to draw up a statement showing the number of rejected ballot papers under the following headings:
- does not bear proper features that have been incorporated into the ballot paper
- voting for more candidates than the voter is entitled to
- writing or mark by which voter could be identified, and
- unmarked or rejected because of uncertainty
And, where applicable, each heading must record the number of ballot papers rejected in part.
FPP44.6 Any text voting record:
- on which votes are given for more candidates than the voter is entitled to vote
- on which anything is written or marked by which the voter can be identified except the voter ID number, or
- which is unmarked or rejected because of uncertainty
Shall, subject to rules FPP44.7 and FPP44.8, be rejected and not counted.
FPP44.7, where the voter is entitled to vote for more than one candidate, a text voting record is not to be rejected because of uncertainty in respect of any vote where no uncertainty arises, and that vote is to be counted.
FPP448 A text voting record on which a vote is marked:
- otherwise than by means of a clear mark
- by more than one mark
Is not to be rejected for such reason (either wholly or in respect of that vote) if an intention that the vote shall be for one or other of the candidates clearly appears, and the way the text voting record is marked does not itself identify the voter and it is not shown that they can be identified by it.
FPP44.9, the returning officer is to:
- endorse the word “rejected” on any text voting record which under this rule is not to be counted, and
- in the case of a text voting record on which any vote is counted under rules FPP44.7 and FPP 44.8, endorse the words “rejected in part” on the text voting record and indicate which vote or votes have been counted
FPP44.10, the returning officer is to draw up a statement showing the number of rejected text voting records under the following headings:
- voting for more candidates than the voter is entitled to
- writing or mark by which voter could be identified, and
- unmarked or rejected because of uncertainty
And, where applicable, each heading must record the number of text voting records rejected in part.
STV45 First stage
STV45.1, the returning officer is to sort the ballot documents into parcels according to the candidates for whom the first preference votes are given.
STV45.2, the returning officer is to then count the number of first preference votes given on ballot documents for each candidate and is to record those numbers.
STV45.3, the returning officer is to also ascertain and record the number of valid ballot documents.
STV46 The quota
STV46.1, the returning officer is to divide the number of valid ballot documents by a number exceeding by one the number of members to be elected.
STV46.2, the result, increased by one, of the division under rule STV46.1 (any fraction being disregarded) shall be the number of votes sufficient to secure the election of a candidate (in these rules referred to as “the quota”).
STV46.3, at any stage of the count a candidate whose total votes equals or exceeds the quota shall be deemed to be elected, except that any election where there is only one vacancy a candidate shall not be deemed to be elected until the procedure set out in rules STV47.1 to STV47.3 has been complied with.
STV47 Transfer of votes
STV47.1, where the number of first preference votes for any candidate exceeds the quota, the returning officer is to sort all the ballot documents on which first preference votes are given for that candidate into sub-parcels so that they are grouped:
- according to next available preference given on those ballot documents for any continuing candidate, or
- where no such preference is given, as the sub-parcel of non-transferable votes
STV47.2, the returning officer is to count the number of ballot documents in each parcel referred to in rule STV47.1.
STV47.3, the returning officer is, in accordance with this rule and rule STV48, to transfer each sub-parcel of ballot documents referred to in rule STV47.1(a) to the candidate for whom the next available preference is given on those ballot documents.
STV47.4, the vote on each ballot document transferred under rule STV47.3 shall be at a value (“the transfer value”) which:
- reduces the value of each vote transferred so that the total value of all such votes does not exceed the surplus, and
- is calculated by dividing the surplus of the candidate from whom the votes are being transferred by the total number of the ballot documents on which those votes are given, the calculation being made to two decimal places (ignoring the remainder if any)
STV47.5, where at the end of any stage of the count involving the transfer of ballot documents, the number of votes for any candidate exceeds the quota, the returning officer is to sort the ballot documents in the sub-parcel of transferred votes which was last received by that candidate into separate sub-parcels so that they are grouped:
- according to the next available preference given on those ballot documents for any continuing candidate, or
- where no such preference is given, as the sub-parcel of non-transferable votes
STV47.6, the returning officer is, in accordance with this rule and rule STV48, to transfer each sub-parcel of ballot documents referred to in rule STV47.5(a) to the candidate for whom the next available preference is given on those ballot documents.
STV47.7, the vote on each ballot document transferred under rule STV47.6 shall be at:
- a transfer value calculated as set out in rule STV47.4(b), or
- at the value at which that vote was received by the candidate from whom it is now being transferred
Whichever is the less.
STV47.8, each transfer of a surplus constitutes a stage in the count.
STV47.9, subject to rule STV47.10, the returning officer shall proceed to transfer transferable ballot documents until no candidate who is deemed to be elected has a surplus or all the vacancies have been filled.
STV47.10, transferable ballot documents shall not be liable to be transferred where any surplus or surpluses which, at a particular stage of the count, have not already been transferred, are:
- less than the difference between the total vote then credited to the continuing candidate with the lowest recorded vote and the vote of the candidate with the next lowest recorded vote, or
- less than the difference between the total votes of the two or more continuing candidates, credited at that stage of the count with the lowest recorded total numbers of votes and the candidate next above such candidates
STV47.11, this rule does not apply at an election where there is only one vacancy.
STV48 Supplementary provisions on transfer
STV48.1, if, at any stage of the count, two or more candidates have surpluses, the transferable ballot documents of the candidate with the highest surplus shall be transferred first, and if:
- the surpluses determined in respect of two or more candidates are equal, the transferable ballot documents of the candidate who had the highest recorded vote at the earliest preceding stage at which they had unequal votes shall be transferred first, and
- the votes credited to two or more candidates were equal at all stages of the count, the returning officer shall decide between those candidates by lot, and the transferable ballot documents of the candidate on whom the lot falls shall be transferred first
STV48.2, the returning officer shall, on each transfer of transferable ballot documents under rule STV47:
- record the total value of the votes transferred to each candidate,
- add that value to the previous total of votes recorded for each candidate and record the new total,
- record as non-transferable votes the difference between the surplus and the total transfer value of the transferred votes and add that difference to the previously recorded total of non-transferable votes, and
- compare:
- the total number of votes then recorded for all of the candidates, together with the total number of non-transferable votes, with
- the recorded total of valid first preference votes.
STV48.3, all ballot documents transferred under rule STV47 or STV49 shall be clearly marked, either individually or as a sub-parcel, so as to indicate the transfer value recorded at that time to each vote on that ballot document or, as the case may be, all the ballot documents in that sub-parcel.
STV48.4, where a ballot document is so marked that it is unclear to the returning officer at any stage of the count under rule STV47 or STV49 for which candidate the next preference is recorded, the returning officer shall treat any vote on that ballot document as a non-transferable vote; and votes on a ballot document shall be so treated where, for example, the names of two or more candidates (whether continuing candidates or not) are so marked that, in the opinion of the returning officer, the same order of preference is indicated, or the numerical sequence is broken.
STV49 Exclusion of candidates
STV49.1, If:
- all transferable ballot documents which under the provisions of rule STV47 (including that rule as applied by rule STV49.11) and this rule are required to be transferred, have been transferred, and
- subject to rule STV50, one or more vacancies remain to be filled
The returning officer shall exclude from the election at that stage the candidate with the then lowest vote (or, where rule STV49.12 applies, the candidates with the then lowest votes).
STV9.2, the returning officer shall sort all the ballot documents on which first preference votes are given for the candidate or candidates excluded under rule STV49.1 into two sub-parcels so that they are grouped as:
- ballot documents on which a next available preference is given, and
- ballot documents on which no such preference is given (thereby including ballot documents on which preferences are given only for candidates who are deemed to be elected or are excluded)
STV49.3, the returning officer shall, in accordance with this rule and rule STV48, transfer each sub-parcel of ballot documents referred to in rule STV49.2 to the candidate for whom the next available preference is given on those ballot documents.
STV49.4, the exclusion of a candidate, or of two or more candidates together, constitutes a further stage of the count.
STV49.5, if, subject to rule STV50, one or more vacancies still remain to be filled, the returning officer shall then sort the transferable ballot documents, if any, which had been transferred to any candidate excluded under rule STV49.1 into sub-parcels according to their transfer value.
STV49.6, the returning officer shall transfer those ballot documents in the sub-parcel of transferable ballot documents with the highest transfer value to the continuing candidates in accordance with the next available preferences given on those ballot documents (thereby passing over candidates who are deemed to be elected or are excluded).
STV49.7, the vote on each transferable ballot document transferred under rule STV49.6 shall be at the value at which that vote was received by the candidate excluded under rule STV49.1.
STV49.8, any ballot documents on which no next available preferences have been expressed shall be set aside as non-transferable votes.
STV49.9, after the returning officer has completed the transfer of the ballot documents in the sub-parcel of ballot documents with the highest transfer value he or she shall proceed to transfer in the same way the sub-parcel of ballot documents with the next highest value and so on until they have dealt with each sub-parcel of a candidate excluded under rule STV49.1.
STV49.10, the returning officer shall after each stage of the count completed under this rule:
- record:
- the total value of votes, or
- the total transfer value of votes transferred to each candidate
- add that total to the previous total of votes recorded for each candidate and record the new total
- record the value of non-transferable votes and add that value to the previous non-transferable votes total, and
- compare:
- the total number of votes then recorded for each candidate together with the total number of non-transferable votes, with
- the recorded total of valid first preference votes
STV49.11 If after a transfer of votes under any provision of this rule, a candidate has a surplus, that surplus shall be dealt with in accordance with rules STV47.5 to STV47.10 and rule STV48.
STV49.12 Where the total of the votes of the two or more lowest candidates, together with any surpluses not transferred, is less than the number of votes credited to the next lowest candidate, the returning officer shall in one operation exclude such two or more candidates.
STV49.13 If when a candidate has to be excluded under this rule, two or more candidates each have the same number of votes and are lowest:
- regard shall be had to the total number of votes credited to those candidates at the earliest stage of the count at which they had an unequal number of votes and the candidate with the lowest number of votes at that stage shall be excluded, and
- where the number of votes credited to those candidates was equal at all stages, the returning officer shall decide between the candidates by lot and the candidate on whom the lot falls shall be excluded
STV50 Filling of last vacancies
STV50.1, where the number of continuing candidates is equal to the number of vacancies remaining unfilled the continuing candidates shall thereupon be deemed to be elected.
STV50.2, where only one vacancy remains unfilled and the votes of anyone continuing candidate are equal to or greater than the total of votes credited to other continuing candidates together with any surplus not transferred, the candidate shall thereupon be deemed to be elected.
STV50.3, where the last vacancies can be filled under this rule, no further transfer of votes shall be made.
STV51 Order of election of candidates
STV51.1, the order in which candidates whose votes equal or exceed the quota are deemed to be elected shall be the order in which their respective surpluses were transferred or would have been transferred but for rule STV47.10.
STV51.2, a candidate credited with a number of votes equal to, and not greater than, the quota shall, for the purposes of this rule, be regarded as having had the smallest surplus at the stage of the count at which he obtained the quota.
STV51.3, where the surpluses of two or more candidates are equal and are not required to be transferred, regard shall be had to the total number of votes credited to such candidates at the earliest stage of the count at which they had an unequal number of votes and the surplus of the candidate who had the greatest number of votes at that stage shall be deemed to be the largest.
STV51.4, where the number of votes credited to two or more candidates were equal at all stages of the count, the returning officer shall decide between them by lot and the candidate on whom the lot falls shall be deemed to have been elected first.
FPP51 Equality of votes
FPP51.1, where, after the counting of votes is completed, an equality of votes is found to exist between any candidates and the addition of a vote would entitle any of those candidates to be declared elected, the returning officer is to decide between those candidates by a lot and proceed as if the candidate on whom the lot falls had received an additional vote.
Part 7, final proceedings in contested and uncontested elections
FPP52 Declaration of result for contested elections
FPP52.1, in a contested election, when the result of the poll has been ascertained, the returning officer is to:
- declare the candidate or candidates whom more votes have been given than for the other candidates, up to the number of vacancies to be filled on the council of governors from the constituency, or class within a constituency, for which the election is being held to be elected
- give notice of the name of each candidate who they have declared elected:
- where the election is held under a proposed constitution pursuant to powers conferred on the [insert name] NHS Trust by section 33(4) of the 2006 Act, to the chair of the NHS Trust, or
- in any other case, to the chair of the corporation; and
- give public notice of the name of each candidate whom they have declared elected
FPP52.2 The returning officer is to make:
- the total number of votes given for each candidate (whether elected or not), and
- the number of rejected ballot papers under each of the headings in rule FPP44.5
- the number of rejected text voting records under each of the headings in rule FPP44.10, available on request
STV52 Declaration of result for contested elections
STV52.1, in a contested election, when the result of the poll has been ascertained, the returning officer is to:
- declare the candidates who are deemed to be elected under Part 6 of these rules as elected
- give notice of the name of each candidate who he or she has declared elected:
- where the election is held under a proposed constitution pursuant to powers conferred on the (insert name) NHS Trust by section 33(4) of the 2006 Act, to the chair of the NHS Trust, or
- in any other case, to the chair of the corporation, and
- give public notice of the name of each candidate who they have declared elected
STV52.2, the returning officer is to make:
- the number of first preference votes for each candidate whether elected or not
- any transfer of votes
- the total number of votes for each candidate at each stage of the count at which such transfer took place
- the order in which the successful candidates were elected, and
- the number of rejected ballot papers under each of the headings in rule STV44.1
- the number of rejected text voting records under each of the headings in rule STV44.3, available on request
53 Declaration of result for uncontested elections
53.1, in an uncontested election, the returning officer is to as soon as is practicable after final day for the delivery of notices of withdrawals by candidates from the election:
- declare the candidate or candidates remaining validly nominated to be elected
- give notice of the name of each candidate who they have declared elected to the chair of the corporation, and
- give public notice of the name of each candidate who they have declared elected
Part 8, disposal of documents
54 Sealing up of documents relating to the poll
54.1, on completion of the counting at a contested election, the returning officer is to seal up the following documents in separate packets:
- the counted ballot papers; internet voting records, telephone voting records and text voting records
- the ballot papers and text voting records endorsed with “rejected in part”
- the rejected ballot papers; and text voting records, and
- the statement of rejected ballot papers and the statement of rejected text voting records
And ensure that complete electronic copies of the internet voting records, telephone voting records and text voting records created in accordance with rule 26 are held in a device suitable for the purpose of storage.
54.2, the returning officer must not open the sealed packets of:
- the disqualified documents, with the list of disqualified documents inside it
- the declarations of identity
- the list of spoilt ballot papers, and the list of spoilt text message votes,
- the list of lost ballot documents, and
- the list of eligible voters; and
- the list of tendered ballot papers
Or access the complete electronic copies of the internet voting records, telephone voting records and text voting records created in accordance with rule 26 and held in a device suitable for the purpose of storage.
54.3, the returning officer must endorse on each packet a description of:
- its contents
- the date of the publication of notice of the election
- the name of the corporation to which the election relates; and
- the constituency, or class within a constituency, to which the election relates
55 Delivery of documents
55.1, once the documents relating to the poll have been sealed up and endorsed pursuant to rule 56, the returning officer is to forward them to the chair of the corporation.
56 Forwarding of documents received after close of the poll
56.1, where:
- any voting documents are received by the returning officer after the close of the poll; or
- any envelopes addressed to eligible voters are returned as undelivered too late to be resent; or
- any applications for replacement voting information are made too late to enable new voting information to be issued
The returning officer is to put them in a separate packet, seal it up, and endorse and forward it to the chairman of the corporation.
57 Retention and public inspection of documents
57.1, the corporation is to retain the documents relating to an election that are forwarded to the chair by the returning officer under these rules for one year, and then, unless otherwise directed by the board of directors of the corporation, cause them to be destroyed.
57.2, with the exception of the documents listed in rule 58.1, the documents relating to an election that are held by the corporation shall be available for inspection by members of the public at all reasonable times.
57.3, a person may request a copy or extract from the documents relating to an election that are held by the corporation, and the corporation is to provide it, and may impose a reasonable charge for doing so.
58 Application for inspection of certain documents relating to election
58.1, the corporation may not allow:
- the inspection of, or the opening of any sealed packet containing:
- any rejected ballot papers, including ballot papers rejected in part
- any rejected text voting records, including text voting records rejected in part
- any disqualified documents, or the list of disqualified documents
- any counted ballot papers, internet voting records, telephone voting records or text voting records, or
- the list of eligible voters, or
- access to or the inspection of the complete electronic copies of the internet voting records, telephone voting records and text voting records created in accordance with rule 26 and held in a device suitable for the purpose of storage
By any person without the consent of the board of directors of the corporation.
58.2, a person may apply to the board of directors of the corporation to inspect any of the documents listed in rule 58.1, and the board of directors of the corporation may only consent to such inspection if it is satisfied that it is necessary for the purpose of questioning an election pursuant to part 11.
58.3, the board of directors of the corporation’s consent may be on any terms or conditions that it thinks necessary, including conditions as to:
- persons
- time
- place and mode of inspection
- production or opening
And the corporation must only make the documents available for inspection in accordance with those terms and conditions.
58.4, on an application to inspect any of the documents listed in rule 58.1 the board of directors of the corporation must:
- in giving its consent, and
- in making the documents available for inspection
Ensure that the way in which the vote of any particular member has been given shall not be disclosed, until it has been established:
- that their vote was given, and
- that monitor has declared that the vote was invalid
Part 9, death of a candidate during contested election
FPP59 Countermand or abandonment of poll on death of candidate
FPP59.1, if at a contested election, proof is given to the returning officer’s satisfaction before the result of the election is declared that one of the persons named or to be named as a candidate has died, then the returning officer is to:
- countermand notice of the poll, or, if voting information has been issued, direct that the poll be abandoned within that constituency or class, and
- order a new election, on a date to be appointed by them in consultation with the corporation, within the period of 40 days, computed in accordance with rule 3 of these rules, beginning with the day that the poll was countermanded or abandoned
FPP59.2, where a new election is ordered under rule FPP59.1, no fresh nomination is necessary for any candidate who was validly nominated for the election where the poll was countermanded or abandoned but further candidates shall be invited for that constituency or class.
FPP59.3, where a poll is abandoned under rule FPP59.1(a), rules FPP59.4 to FPP59.7 are to apply.
FPP59.4, the returning officer shall not take any step or further step to open envelopes or deal with their contents in accordance with rules 38 and 39 and is to make up separate sealed packets in accordance with rule 40.
FPP59.5 The returning officer is to:
- count and record the number of ballot papers, internet voting records, telephone voting records and text voting records that have been received
- seal up the ballot papers, internet voting records, telephone voting records and text voting records into packets, along with the records of the number of ballot papers, internet voting records, telephone voting records and text voting records and
Ensure that complete electronic copies of the internet voting records telephone voting records and text voting records created in accordance with rule 26 are held in a device suitable for the purpose of storage.
FPP59.6, the returning officer is to endorse on each packet a description of:
- its contents
- the date of the publication of notice of the election
- the name of the corporation to which the election relates, and
- the constituency, or class within a constituency, to which the election relates
FPP59.7, once the documents relating to the poll have been sealed up and endorsed pursuant to rules FPP59.4 to FPP59.6, the returning officer is to deliver them to the chair of the corporation, and rules 57 and 58 are to apply.
STV59 Countermand or abandonment of poll on death of candidate
STV59.1 If, at a contested election, proof is given to the returning officer’s satisfaction before the result of the election is declared that one of the persons named or to be named as a candidate has died, then the returning officer is to:
- publish a notice stating that the candidate has died, and
- proceed with the counting of the votes as if that candidate had been excluded from the count so that:
- ballot documents which only have a first preference recorded for the candidate that has died, and no preferences for any other candidates, are not to be counted, and
- ballot documents which have preferences recorded for other candidates are to be counted according to the consecutive order of those preferences, passing over preferences marked for the candidate who has died
STV59.2, the ballot documents which have preferences recorded for the candidate who has died are to be sealed with the other counted ballot documents pursuant to rule 54.1(a).
Part 10, election expenses and publicity
60 Election expenses
60.1, any expenses incurred, or payments made, for the purposes of an election which contravene this Part are an electoral irregularity, which may only be questioned in an application made to Monitor under Part 11 of these rules.
61 Expenses and payments by candidates
61.1, a candidate may not incur any expenses or make a payment (of whatever nature) for the purposes of an election, other than expenses or payments that relate to:
- personal expenses
- travelling expenses, and expenses incurred while living away from home, and
- expenses for stationery, postage, telephone, internet (or any similar means of communication) and other petty expenses, to a limit of £100
62 Expenses incurred by other persons
62.1, no person may:
- incur any expenses or make a payment (of whatever nature) for the purposes of a candidate’s election, whether on that candidate’s behalf or otherwise, or
- give a candidate or their family any money or property (whether as a gift, donation, loan, or otherwise) to meet or contribute to expenses incurred by or on behalf of the candidate for the purposes of an election.
62.2, nothing in this rule is to prevent the corporation from incurring such expenses, and making such payments, as it considers necessary pursuant to rules 63 and 64.
63 Publicity about election by the trust
63.1, the corporation may:
- compile and distribute such information about the candidates; and
- organise and hold such meetings to enable the candidates to speak and respond to questions, as it considers necessary
63.2, any information provided by the corporation about the candidates, including information compiled by the corporation under rule 59, must be:
- objective, balanced and fair
- equivalent in size and content for all candidates
- compiled and distributed in consultation with all of the candidates standing for election; and
- must not seek to promote or procure the election of a specific candidate or candidates, at the expense of the electoral prospects of one or more other candidates
63.3, where the corporation proposes to hold a meeting to enable the candidates to speak, the corporation must ensure that all of the candidates are invited to attend, and in organising and holding such a meeting, the corporation must not seek to promote or procure the election of a specific candidate or candidates at the expense of the electoral prospects of one or more other candidates.
64 Information about candidates for inclusion with voting information
64.1, the corporation must compile information about the candidates standing for election, to be distributed by the returning officer pursuant to rule 24 of these rules.
64.2, the information must consist of:
- a statement submitted by the candidate of no more than 250 words
- if voting by telephone or text message is a method of polling for the election, the numerical voting code allocated by the returning officer to each candidate, for the purpose of recording votes using the telephone voting facility or the text message voting facility (“numerical voting code”), and
- a photograph of the candidate
65 Meaning of “for the purposes of an election”
65.1, in this part, the phrase “for the purposes of an election” means with a view to, or otherwise in connection with, promoting or procuring a candidate’s election, including the prejudicing of another candidate’s electoral prospects; and the phrase “for the purposes of a candidate’s election” is to be construed accordingly.
65.2, the provision by any individual of their own services voluntarily, on their own time, and free of charge is not to be considered an expense for the purposes of this part.
Part 11, questioning elections and irregularities
66 Application to question an election
66.1, an application alleging a breach of these rules, including an electoral irregularity under part 10, may be made to monitor for the purpose of seeking a referral to the independent election arbitration panel (IEAP).
66.2, an application may only be made once the outcome of the election has been declared by the returning officer.
66.3, an application may only be made to monitor by:
- a person who voted at the election or who claimed to have had the right to vote; or
- a candidate, or a person claiming to have had a right to be elected at the election
66.4, the application must:
- describe the alleged breach of the rules or electoral irregularity; and
- be in such a form as the independent panel may require
66.5, the application must be presented in writing within 21 days of the declaration of the result of the election. Monitor will refer the application to the independent election arbitration panel appointed by monitor.
66.6, if the independent election arbitration panel requests further information from the applicant, then that person must provide it as soon as is reasonably practicable.
66.7, monitor shall delegate the determination of an application to a person or panel of persons to be nominated for the purpose.
66.8, the determination by the IEAP shall be binding on and shall be given effect by the corporation, the applicant and the members of the constituency (or class within a constituency) including all the candidates for the election to which the application relates.
66.9, the IEAP may prescribe rules of procedure for the determination of an application including costs.
Part 12, miscellaneous
67 Secrecy
67.1, the following persons:
- the returning officer
- the returning officer’s staff
Must maintain and aid in maintaining the secrecy of the voting and the counting of the votes, and must not, except for some purpose authorised by law, communicate to any person any information as to:
- the name of any member of the corporation who has or has not been given a ballot paper or who has or has not voted
- the unique identifier on any ballot paper
- the voter ID number allocated to any voter
- the candidate(s) for whom any member has voted
67.2, no person may obtain or attempt to obtain information as to the candidate(s) for whom a voter is about to vote or has voted, or communicate such information to any person at any time, including the unique identifier on a ballot paper given to a voter or the voter ID number allocated to a voter.
67.3, the returning officer is to make such arrangements as they think fit to ensure that the individuals who are affected by this provision are aware of the duties it imposes.
68 Prohibition of disclosure of vote
68.1, no person who has voted at an election shall, in any legal or other proceedings to question the election, be required to state for whom he or she has voted.
69 Disqualification
69.1, a person may not be appointed as a returning officer, or as staff of the returning officer pursuant to these rules, if that person is:
- a member of the corporation
- an employee of the corporation
- a director of the corporation; or
- employed by or on behalf of a person who has been nominated for election
70 Delay in postal service through industrial action or unforeseen event
70.1, if industrial action, or some other unforeseen event, results in a delay in:
- the delivery of the documents in rule 24; or
- the return of the ballot papers
The returning officer may extend the time between the publication of the notice of the poll and the close of the poll by such period as they consider appropriate.
Page last reviewed: December 12, 2024
Next review due: December 12, 2025
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