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Accessing keys from the key tracker system forensic service procedure


1 Aim

The aim of this document is to provide service specific guidance for all colleagues who work within the forensic service who are required to use keys within and around the buildings. It is to ensure safe access to, use of, and replacement of keys through the current key tracker system. Compliance with the guidance will guarantee an efficient system is in place ensuring the security and integrity of the building and enclosed perimeters are maintained.

2 Scope

This document applies specifically to the forensic service and provides procedural guidance for use of colleagues working in this service including agency, bank and students.

3 Link to overarching policy, and or procedure

This procedure is over-arched by and is linked to theĀ forensic services manual and should be read in conjunction with the forensic security procedural document and the searching of a person (patients and visitors) and their property procedure.

4 Procedure or implementation

All colleagues identified as required to work within the forensic service will undertake a local security induction which will incorporate an individual induction on the key tracker system. On Amber Lodge, following induction each colleague will have their fingerprint image saved into the key tracker system and a specific numbered set of keys assigned to them for use. On Jubilee, following induction, colleagues will have their fingerprint image and a personal identification number (PIN) saved on the system and will select an available numbered set of keys each time they access the key tracker. Keys will not be allocated unless a security induction has been completed.

On Amber Lodge, the key tracker equipment is stored in a small room in the reception area, the door is controlled by a code lock. The code lock is not to be written down or physically input into the lock in the presence of patients. Upon entering the room ensure that the door is firmly closed to ensure your privacy when accessing the key tracker and withdrawing your keys. On exit from the room once again ensure that the door is securely closed and locked.

4.1 The procedure for routine access to the keys

  1. To open the key tracker, place allocated finger onto the fingerprint reader.
  2. Wait for a beep sound.
  3. When the reader light goes green open the key box. If the reader shines red attempt the process again.
  4. The screen will display the colleagues name and the number of their assigned keyset.
  5. The assigned key set will light up blue.
  6. Remove the assigned key set as it will have been released from the locking mechanism. Twist clockwise.
  7. Close the key box, ensuring that no keys are catching in the door and it firmly closes.
  8. Sign on the colleague signing in sheets filling in all details, key set number, pager number, security fob number and time of signing.
  9. Ensure that prior to leaving the key tracker room that all keys are attached to a lanyard which is secured to their person and in a safety pouch.

4.2 The procedure for replacing keys

  1. To open the key tracker, place allocated finger onto the fingerprint reader.
  2. Wait for a beep sound.
  3. When the reader light goes green open the key box. If the reader shines red attempt the process again.
  4. The screen will display the colleagues name and the number of their assigned key set.
  5. The assigned key set space will light up blue.
  6. Insert the key set back in to the identified space.
  7. Close the door to the key tracker securely ensuring no keys are trapped.
  8. Sign out on the colleague signing in sheets with the time of departure.
  9. When leaving the key tracker room ensure the door is firmly closed.

4.3 The procedure for safe keeping of keys

All colleagues are to ensure that when in possession of a key set that these are attached to an approved key lanyard that is firmly secured to their person and stored inside a safety pouch. Colleagues are personally responsible for assigned keys and should not under any circumstances swap keys or hand keys to another colleague. Key sets should not be left in any place other than the key tracker.

4.4 The procedure for unaccounted keys

  1. Upon discovering a set of keys which are unaccounted for report immediately to the nurse in charge of the shift and the identified security lead.
  2. Full review of all keys is to be completed immediately.
  3. If the keys are not accounted for a full lock down of the unit is to be implemented and search procedures undertaken.
  4. Escalate to line management within working hours and the on-call manager out of hours to inform of the situation, requirement for lock down and to seek further guidance.

4.5 The procedure for adding or removing colleagues to the key tracker

  1. All members of the security team will have training to enable the adding or removing of colleagues. Training to be undertaken by lead security role.
  2. Every month, security team to check access for keys and remove colleagues who no longer work at Amber.

Document control

  • Version: 3.
  • Unique reference number: 524.
  • Approved by: Clinical policies review and approval group.
  • Date approved: 5 March 2024.
  • Name of originator or author: Forensic ward manager.
  • Name of responsible individual: Executive director of nursing and AHPs.
  • Date issued: 2 April 2024.
  • Review date: 30 April 2027.
  • Target audience: All colleagues working in the forensic service.

Page last reviewed: January 17, 2025
Next review due: January 17, 2026

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