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Control of the airlock forensic service procedure


1 Aim

The aim of this document is to provide service specific guidance for colleagues who work in the forensic service to ensure safe access and egress to Amber Lodge low secure unit.

2 Scope

This procedure applies to the control of the airlock for all colleagues, patients and visitors to Amber Lodge low secure unit, and forms part of the low secure care standards requirements utilised by the forensic service.

3 Link to overarching policy, and or procedure

This procedure is overarched by the forensic services manual and should be used in conjunction with the security (forensic service) procedure.

4 Introduction

Secure services should have a single main entrance to and exit from the building with an airlock operated by reception to co-ordinate the entry and exit of all colleagues, patients and visitors. There is a difference when out of hours and access is via fingerprint for approved colleagues (see separate document). Although essential for security purposes the entrance should be welcoming, appropriate to the healthcare setting and should operate efficiently.

Clear guidance should be available for all colleagues to ensure that the operation of the airlock is managed consistently; this can be found in this procedural document, control of the airlock.

4.1 The airlock

The airlock comprises the front entrance area to both Amber lodge. There are two sets of doors external and internal, both controlled by a magnetic device and locks. Each set of doors operates separately and independently of the other set, however both sets of doors are interlocked such that one set of doors has to be closed before the other will open, for example, the internal doors cannot be opened until the external doors have been closed and vice versa. The airlock is the area between the two doors.

In the airlock should be situated:

  • the reception area with a window which separates the admin reception office from the airlock space
  • visitor’s lockers for storing restricted or prohibited items, bags and other valuables
  • fire panel
  • personal alarm cabinet (key pad lock operated). Only to be accessed when patients have moved from the airlock
  • on display should be a copy of the restricted and prohibited items for the service
  • CCTV cameras are in operation outside the external doors and in the airlock area. Monitors for these cameras are located in the admin and nursing offices to allow for observation of the airlock area
  • feedback forms

4.2 Important information

  • A maximum of 4 people should be in the airlock at any one time.
  • Under no circumstances should the airlock be utilised as a fire evacuation point.

4.3 Entering the airlock from outside the building

  • To the right of the door is an electronic fingerprint reader which colleagues will be able to use to open the external door to enter the airlock area (Amber Lodge only).
  • To the right of the door is an intercom system and buzzer which can be pressed to alert reception or the nursing office, out of normal working hours, to gain attention and access to the airlock area. Colleagues may communicate directly through the intercom system prior to releasing the door locking mechanism to allow entrance.
  • Reception colleagues or nursing colleagues, out of normal working hours, will attend the airlock directly to greet visitors and colleagues external to the forensic service.

4.4 Management of a faulty airlock

  1. Upon discovering the doors in the airlock are faulty, notify your team members as soon as possible, however, do not leave the area unattended as it is now a security risk.
  2. Escalate to line management within working hours and the on-call manager out of hours to inform of the situation.
  3. This situation should be escalated to Micro Alarms at the earliest opportunity.
  4. The nurse in charge is to set a rota for colleagues to keep the doors attended at all times and must report the problem immediately.  Doors can be locked using the override key; however colleagues must remain there at all times for access and egress to the unit.
  5. Ensure all documentation is completed and an IR1 completed for reporting purposes.

Document control

  • Version: 3.
  • Unique reference number: 526.
  • Approved by: Clinical policies review and approval group.
  • Date approved: 5 March 2024.
  • Name of originator or author: Forensic ward manager.
  • Name of responsible individual: Executive director of nursing and allied health professionals.
  • Date issued: 2 April 2024.
  • Review date: 30 April 2027.
  • Target audience: All colleagues working for the forensic service.

Page last reviewed: September 13, 2024
Next review due: September 13, 2025

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