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Pornographic and sensitive material management procedure


1 Aim

The aim of this document is to provide working guidance and procedures for colleagues working in the forensic service to enable robust management of pornographic and sensitive materials. There is a requirement to have clear guidance regarding pornographic and sensitive material, as there has been research undertaken which shows that pornographic material can be linked to sexual offending and the development of inappropriate sexual beliefs and behaviours. It has therefore become ‘good practice’, particularly within secure environments and with individuals who have a background of sexual offending, to manage materials that may cause harm to them or others.

It is also known that pornographic material can have a differential effect on different people and that individuals’ with mental health or mental illness problems can be affected by the nature and content of this material, particularly if they have an inappropriate sexual interest or if they have a background of being sexually abused. These issues can potentially give rise to safeguarding concerns. It is therefore important to manage and protect the patients within secure environments.

Managing sexually explicit material should aim to balance the rights of individual patients, with the requirements to maintain a safe environment within secure settings. It attempts to take into account issues surrounding the patient’s sexual needs and to be sensitive to these issues.

In regard to sensitive materials, it should be recognised that this relates to other materials, which if held or utilised by the individual, may also give rise to inappropriate behaviours related to sexual offending and which also require supervision and, or management, for example, clip art, magazine pictures of children.

2 Scope

This document applies specifically to the forensic service and provides procedural guidance for use of colleagues working in this service including agency, bank and students.

3 Link to overarching policy, and or procedure

This procedure is overarched to the forensic services manual and should be read in conjunction with the Forensic Security Procedural.

4 Procedure or implementation

Adult or pornographic materials may be in the form of:

  • TV
  • photographs
  • magazines
  • DVDs
  • videos
  • posters
  • papers
  • phone
  • texts
  • internet

However, the content is relevant to each individual’s preferences or risk profile and will need to be indicated or identified in the individual’s care plan and may not necessarily be of a sexual nature.

The use of pornographic material and sensitive material in forensic services is restricted as per patient’s individualised care plans.

Pornographic material and sensitive material are listed within the procedural document ‘prohibited and restricted item management’.

A full risk assessment will be completed on each individual patient and access to sexually explicit materials will form part of this. Colleagues will check material prior to patient’s having access to ensure the material does not breach individual care plans. This will be done discreetly.

The storage of such items will be detailed in the patient’s individualised care plan.

Pornographic or sensitive material cannot be brought into communal areas and cannot be shared or discussed with other patients.

No illegal sexual material will be allowed on the unit. In the event of illegal sexual materials being found on the unit, these would be removed and placed in a secure locked cupboard and the police would be informed and asked for guidance.

The following items are not acceptable in any circumstances:

  • any material which is copied; illegally copied or illegally recorded by any other means, which breach copyright law and therefore cannot be measured in terms of legality
  • any item which would not be available to the general public other than through a specialist supplier or import company
  • anything contravened by the Obscene Publications Act or the British Board for Film classification guidelines

Document control

  • Version: 3.
  • Unique reference number: 533.
  • Approved by: Clinical policies review and approval group.
  • Date approved: 5 March 2024.
  • Name of originator or author: Forensic ward manager.
  • Name of responsible individual: Executive director of nursing and AHPs.
  • Date issued: 2 April 2024.
  • Review date: 30 April 2027.
  • Target audience: All colleagues working in the forensic service.

Page last reviewed: January 17, 2025
Next review due: January 17, 2026

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