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About membership

The trust aims to build a meaningful and effective representative membership within all its localities and services (constituency areas) in order to provide a solid link with the communities it serves.

Basically membership is our link to local people and their link to us. It is another way of voicing the local community’s thoughts and feelings about the trust.

We always talk about being responsive to needs when developing services and membership is another way to achieve this. Many of our members want to be involved and have some really valid views to contribute to our plans for the future.

Members are recruited from patients, carers, trust staff and people living locally who care about health services provided by the trust in their area.

An effective representative membership is key to the foundation trust’s success and its significance is often missed or underestimated.

Membership is not about recruiting as many people as possible but is more about taking the opportunity as it arises, going along to trust and community events, talking to patients and carers and other local people and telling them about the services we provide in their area and what our plans are for the future and about us finding out what local people really think about the trust and giving them the opportunity to share their experiences to help us improve service delivery and design.

For more information please see our membership privacy notice.

Page last reviewed: January 15, 2025
Next review due: January 15, 2026

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