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Become a governor

To stand as a governor, you must first become a member. Joining is made easy by just completing the online membership application form (opens in new window).

Membership is open to the public, individuals who have been service users of the trust’s services in the last 5 years or their carers, and to staff.

If you are a permanent staff member of Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) or have worked for RDaSH for more than a year, you are already a member and can nominate yourself to become a staff governor.

Council of governors

Members of the trust are elected to sit on the council of governors, playing a crucial strategic role in ensuring responsiveness and accountability to local people, staff, and partners. Governors utilise their knowledge, networks, and experience to inform the trust’s priorities and strategic decisions.

More on the council of governors

The council of governors serves as a vital link between the board of directors and the members of the trust. Chaired by the chair of the board, this council meets in public at least four times a year.

The council of governors consists of a total of 41 RDaSH governor seats, collectively forming a dynamic and diverse body. These governor seats have specific role requirements and contribute to the effective functioning of the council. The roles and responsibilities encompass various aspects, including:

  • 20 public governors, elected by members in local communities, including Doncaster, Rotherham, North Lincolnshire, the rest of England, carers, and service users; these play a crucial role in representing the interests and perspectives of the wider public
  • 6 staff governors, elected by employed individuals within the trust. Provide valuable insights into staff views, contributing first-hand experience to strategic discussions
  • 10 appointed governors, nominated by partner organizations, including local authorities and academic sectors; these bring expert insights to the governance process, particularly in considerations related to care

The role of the governor

Governors play a crucial role within the council of governors, discharging several statutory duties mandated by law and outlined in the trust’s constitution. Some key aspects of the governor’s role include:

More on the role of a governor
  • governors individually and collectively hold non-executive directors accountable for the performance of the board of directors
  • non-executive directors, as independent members of the board, collaborate with executives to establish ambitions, strategies, policies, and priorities for the trust, governors hold them accountable for the delivery of these objectives
  • the council of governors appoints or removes the chair and other non-executive directors, a nomination committee assists in this process
  • governors approve the remuneration, allowances, and other terms and conditions of non-executive directors, relying on recommendations from the nominations committee
  • the council of governors works with the audit committee of the board of directors to appoint or remove the trust’s auditors
  • governors receive the annual accounts and the annual report, staying informed about the trust’s financial and operational status
  • governors approve the appointment of the chief executive, a decision made by non-executive directors
  • the council of governors approves applications to enter into a merger or acquisition above a certain financial level

Here is what three of our governors have to say about their role:

Jo Cox, Lead Governor
“My role as a governor is important to me. I am passionate about the NHS and, residing in a community which is served by RDaSH, this NHS trust is close to my heart particularly given I have close family members who have needed to access its services. It is important to me that, as a governor, I can support RDaSH in its aim to achieve and maintain quality service provision which is fit for the diverse communities it serves.”
Ian Spowart, Governor
“Becoming a governor has really widened my knowledge of the workings of the trust, across all three geographical areas of Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber. There are many areas that you can listen, meet, or interact with like-minded people to make the process as easy as possible.”
David Vickers, Governor
“I have remained very active since retiring from being a nurse. I didn’t want that experience to be wasted with my retirement. It’s a privilege to be involved and be a voice of the public in RDaSH.”

For further inquiries about elections or nominating oneself in the future, please email Your involvement as a governor is integral to the trust’s governance and decision-making processes.

Page last reviewed: January 15, 2025
Next review due: January 15, 2026

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