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General data protection regulation (GDPR) compliance

The trust takes your confidentiality and privacy rights very seriously, along with its responsibility to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (2016).

In order to ensure compliance, the trust has ensured that amongst other guidance, it has followed the information commissioner’s office (ICO) guidance of “preparing for the general data protection regulations, 12 steps to take now”.

This document outlines how the trust has met each of these standards and what it will do ensure compliance is maintained.

  1. Awareness
  2. Information you hold
  3. Communicating privacy information
  4. Individual rights
  5. Subject access requests
  6. Lawful basis for processing personal data
  7. Consent
  8. Children
  9. Data breaches
  10. Data protection by design and data protection impact assessments (DPIA)
  11. Data protection officer
  12. International


RDaSH ensures that all staff within the organisation undertake annual mandatory data security awareness training; the minimum standard allowed for NHS organisations is 95% compliance in this area, with the remaining 5% allowed for staff absences as a result of sickness, maternity or paternity, secondments.

As part of the annual training there is an assessment at the end which each employee must undertake, as well reading and signing the trust’s staff code of conduct, before they are considered compliant.

As well as training, staff are regularly provided with updated information on data protection, best practice, information governance, etc, to ensure a high level of understanding throughout the organisation.

Training is closely monitored by senior management and the trust’s data protection officer. In addition to all of the above the trust’s data protection officer, senior information risk owner and Caldicott guardian receive annual expert training and advise ensuring that their knowledge is maintained at a higher level.

Information you hold

RDaSH undertakes a process which is referred to as data flow mapping. This process identifies:

  • all data that flows in and out of the organisation
  • for what legal purpose it is collected
  • if it is processed securely
  • if it is only processed for the purpose in which it was collected
  • who data is shared with. This is also linked with information sharing agreements (ISAs)

Information sharing agreement

These agreements define the information that will be transferred between the organisations listed and arrangements for assisting compliance with relevant legislation and guidance. Agreements that set out the lawful basis for the use of personal data by the public sector, across traditional organisational boundaries, to achieve better policies and deliver better services.

The law, rightly, puts in place safeguards for the use of individuals’ data (the data protection act, human rights and common law) and there are organisational costs involved in meeting those conditions. It is important that those safeguards exist and are properly applied.

Data sharing can take place in a way that helps deliver the better services that we all want, while still respecting people’s legitimate expectations about the privacy and confidentiality of their personal information.

What’s next?

This process will continue to be reviewed annually. RDaSH is currently looking to publish this information as part of its openness and transparency, however will need to ensure that by doing so it does not compromise the security of the information held; therefore a summary of data processing activities maybe published. In the interim an outline of data that is processed is available within the trust’s privacy notice.

Communicating privacy information

RDaSH provides a privacy notice as part of it’s your information, your rights page, alongside other information which demonstrates our compliance with GDPR. This includes:

  • leaflets and guidance
  • individual rights and how these are adhered to
  • information sharing agreements (to be published)
  • data processing agreements (to be published)
  • data protection impact assessments (to be published)

What’s next?

With regard to the documents identified above as “to be published”; RDaSH is currently looking to publish this information as part of its openness and transparency, however will need to ensure that by doing so it does not compromise the security of the information held; therefore a summary maybe provided as an alternative.

Individual rights

RDaSH has published individuals rights on it’s your information, your rights page, along with supporting guidance and leaflets advising on how we will adhere to these rights.

Subject access requests

RDaSH takes its responsibility to provide individuals with their information in accordance with law, very seriously and has a dedicated part of the Information Governance team in place to support this.

If you want to access your personal information, you can make subject access request verbally or in writing. Although if you make your request verbally, we recommend you follow it up in writing, as we have to be satisfied as to your identity, but it will also provide a clear trail of correspondence provide clear evidence of your actions.

Read more about the law and how to make a request.

Lawful basis for processing personal data

Organisations should identify the lawful basis for their processing activity. It should be documented and privacy notices updated. You will see that under the “information you hold” and “communicating privacy information” sections of this page, RDaSH has adhered to this requirement.

We do not rely on consent to use your information as a legal basis for processing.

We rely on specific provisions under article 6 and 9 of the general data protection regulation, such as either:

  • ‘a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller’
  • ‘the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services’

This means we can use your personal information to provide you with your care without seeking your consent. However, you do have the right to say no to our use of your information, but this could have an impact on our ability to provide you with care.

Where consent is required for data processing, we will ensure that this is explicit, freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous.


For this requirement organisations should start thinking about whether it needs to put systems in place to verify individuals’ ages and to obtain parental or guardian consent for any data processing activity.

RDaSH has had a long history in ensuring that appropriate consent is obtained from children or their parents or guardians.

This is also regularly reviewed to assess that, if the child is considered competent enough, that they then become responsible for their own data and treatment.

Data breaches

RDaSH has systems and processes in place to manage the robust reporting and investigating of data breaches and Incidents. Evidence of this can be found in the trust’s data security and protection breaches or information governance incident reporting policy.

Data protection by design and data protection impact assessments (DPIA)

The General Data Protection Regulation (2016) (GDPR) introduced a new legal obligation to complete a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) before carrying out types of processing likely to result in high risk to individuals’ rights and freedoms. A DPIA is a process to help identify and minimise the data protection risks which requires the processing of personal data. It is also good practice to do a DPIA for any other major project which requires the processing of personal data.

Below is a log of our completed DPIAs, together with their reference number and name of the project, as part of our openness and transparency. To request a copy of the entire DPIA please apply via the FoIA process.

Reference Name
DPIA0001 Q-interactive
DPIA0008 Voice Recognition Second Pilot
DPIA0010 ZOOM (conferencing)
DPIA0013 Time and attendance
DPIA0032 ORCHA health app library
DPIA0034 PVP Suite Sinclair House
DPIA0038 Serious Mental Illness Physical Health Checks
DPIA0039 Lease 4000 Software
DPIA0040 Flashback Express
DPIA0043 Minddistrict (CCBT)
DPIA0044 Service Management Replacement
DPIA0045 Health Roster Optimisation
DPIA0046 Rotherham Health Record
DPIA0047 Uniqus App
DPIA0049 Zoomtec magnifier
DPIA0050 Axe the Fax
DPIA0051 EHCP digital platform (ECG Machine Test Trial)
DPIA0054 MD Calc app
DPIA0055 SIGN app
DPIA0059 Primera Doorset and Ligature Alarm System
DPIA0061 Next Generation Text app
DPIA0064 Video Interaction Guidance
DPIA0068 ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Obs)
DPIA0073 Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM)
DPIA0074 Share Point
DPIA0076 Individual Placement Support
DPIA0078 Clinical Skills Ltd
DPIA0080 Woodlands Camera
DPIA0087 Stroke Association Connect
DPIA0091 eConsent for school vaccinations
DPIA0125 Palo Alto
DPIA0128 SystmOne
DPIA0134 Office 365
DPIA0136 Speech Exec Pro Dictate Software
DPIA0141 Perfect Ward
DPIA0142 Children’s post screening vision screening service
DPIA0147 Oxehealth
DPIA0152 Survey Monkey
DPIA0154 Rotherham Health App, Subtrakt Health
DPIA0155 Portacount FFP3 Fit Testing Machine
DPIA0156 CGL framework, inpatient detox and residential rehabilitation services
DPIA0157 NVIS staff flu submission
DPIA0158 IAPT online referral
DPIA0159 CEC Healthcare Coding Ltd.
DPIA0160 ECG interpretation service
DPIA0161 Lateral flow reporting service
DPIA0162 Account self service
DPIA0165 Use of Eventbrite for the booking of staff events
DPIA0170 Covid-19 vaccination
DPIA0176 Govroam
DPIA0177 Children’s care group eClinic
DPIA0189 Palo Alto Global Protect VPN
DPIA0191 Gait Pressure Plate
DPIA0214 Akrivia Health Platform
DPIA0216 VMware Horizon VDI platform
DPIA0220 Medical e-Job Planning
DPIA0221 Technical data room or externally shared file with Hill Dickinson LLP
DPIA0224 Rotherham CAMHS, automated booking system
DPIA0225 Barco ClickShare, hybrid meeting room trollies
DPIA0226 Block contract inpatient beds, consortium DMBC
DPIA0228 S12 Solutions app
DPIA0229 Newly Qualified Nurse Standardised Recruitment
DPIA0231 YOC Form Link in SMS
DPIA0232 C19-YRS COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehabilitate Scale app
DPIA0238 Staff Portal, booking procedure for staff training
DPIA0242 Remote ECG Service CAMHs and Eating Disorder Service (CEDS)
DPIA0243 Intellectual disabilities referral form
DPIA0245 Formeo implementation
DPIA0254 Salary Finance Portal
DPIA0255 Fresh Street Food and Health Pilot Study
DPIA0256 Akrivia Health Platform UK CRIS
DPIA0257 SYA Finance Together
DPIA0258 Just In Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAI) for Suicide and Self-Harm
DPIA0259 Perinatal Mental Health Feedback with LIGHT
DPIA0265 Deloitte Connect
DPIA0266 Grammarly
DPIA0268 Fresh Street Food and Health Pilot Study, Smart Survey
DPIA0281 Canon Digital Store Front
DPIA0283 Health roster optimisation loop app
DPIA0285 ISOSEC Virtual smart card pilot
DPIA0292 LOLIPOP study
DPIA0296 Technical data room or shared file with Hempsons Solicitors
DPIA0298 Neurodevelopment online referral form
DPIA0299 Doncaster crisis pathway
DPIA0313 Refill
DPIA0314 Total ESR access for executive PAs and CAST
DPIA0323 SystmOne communications annexe
DPIA0324 Wagestream
DPIA0328 Agiito train ticket and hotel booking platform
DPIA0336 Brigid UK app
DPIA0340 Flourish online referral system
DPIA0343 Star online tool
DPIA0345 Dragon Software
DPIA0349 SMI physical health checks
DPIA0350 Peer support
DPIA0351 IAPT (Talking Therapies) eClinic
DPIA0352 PAM occupational health system interface with ESR
DPIA0353 Zone 5 to 19 website live chat functionality
DPIA0354 Youth offending service and Zone 5 to 19 partnership
DPIA0355 Canva
DPIA0358 North Lincolnshire CAMHS neurodevelopmental service inclusion
DPIA0359 SystmOnline
DPIA0360 CCTV, gym facility, Swallownest Court
DPIA0361 Oceans Blue, eRostering with Allocate
DPIA0362 Individual placement scheme
DPIA0363 EQUITy trial
DPIA0364 Samsung transfer app
DPIA0366 Humber and North Yorkshire keyworker service
DPIA0370 Audacity software
DPIA0371 IGLOo research trial
DPIA0374 Stroke associate 6 month review
DPIA0376 Space utilisation monitoring
DPIA0377 Predictix
DPIA0378 Minddistrict
DPIA0379 Patient level costings power BI dashboards
DPIA0380 Texthelp read and write gold
DPIA0382 BBC news app
DPIA0385 Acacium
DPIA0388 ER tracker by Allocate
DPIA0389 Bookwhen
DPIA0390 EPRR mapping
DPIA0391 Primary care mental health clinical documentation survey
DPIA0392 Qualtrics
DPIA0393 Philips SpeechLive web dictation and transcription
DPIA0394 Learning from patient safety events (LFPSE)
DPIA0399 Installation of Physitrack PLC software
DPIA0401 Charitylog
DPIA0405 Third party security and feature patching
DPIA0406 Surviving crying research trial
DPIA0409 CPM-2 trial, Med-Q
DPIA0410 Speak Up, peer support workers
DPIA0411 Dysphagia app
DPIA0412 Graylog
DPIA0413 Hepatitis C operational delivery network
DPIA0415 SMS, survey patient feedback
DPIA0416 TPP SystmOne client listener
DPIA0416 TPP SystmOne client listener
DPIA0418 RDaSH staff app (MyArk)
DPIA0419 RDaSH and SYHA stroke service
DPIA0421 Crisis transformation
DPIA0423 Estates helpdesk software, Evolution FM helpdesk system
DPIA0427 Smart locker pilot
DPIA0430 QLOG, resuscitation service module and other quality assurance verticals
DPIA0437 Decision-making involving people with memory problems
DPIA0438 WRAP pack trial
DPIA0441 Voluntary action Rotherham Partnership
DPIA0443 Therapy Match-D trial
DPIA0444 Kahoot! 360 Pro
DPIA0445 RDaSH Grounded Research identifying and contacting potential research participants
DPIA0448 Fundraising form for Light up a Life Campaign
DPIA0451 Social work CPD toolkit
DPIA0453 IPS, with changing lives
DPIA0454 Recording of softphone calls into the service
DPIA0455 Our Space Rotherham
DPIA0456 Allocate LOOP application
DPIA0462 HaSB-IDD trial
DPIA0463 Roger On system
DPIA0464 Oracle field-test
DPIA0465 Environmental factors on DFUs incidence, a mixed-mode survey
DPIA0468 DIAMONDS randomised control trial
DPIA0469 Relational approach to treating self-harm (RelATe)
DPIA0478 SH24 online provider of sexual health testing and contraception
DPIA0480 Redbox recording functionality on the Maintel phone system
DPIA0488 Skills development network app
DPIA0489 Jamovi
DPIA0490 Kahoot!
DPIA0492 Characterisation of negative symptoms in Schizophrenia (CHANSS project)
DPIA0493 Predictix case management pilot
DPIA0494 COMP006
DPIA0500 Page Tiger
DPIA0501 Implementation of new roles in mental health trusts (phase 2)
DPIA0502 Ekahau AI Pro
DPIA0509 Healthy hospital and community programme, community swop to stop project
DPIA0510 Medii app
DPIA0514 Cleansing of GP records to identify coding errors in relation to dementia
DPIA0518 Adult CMHT peer support pilot
DPIA0520 Family Hub start for life programme
DPIA0529 CCTV on older adult wards communal areas
DPIA0530 X clean audit
DPIA0531 CCTV on Hawthorn ward
DPIA0532 Time and attendance
DPIA0537 Community swap to stop
DPIA0538 Smart lockers
DPIA0539 Enthuse, online donation and fundraising
DPIA0543 Serious mental illness health checks peer support pathway
DPIA0545 Mental Health Act patient experience survey
DPIA0548 Powtoon
DPIA0549 Uplift-x trial
DPIA0553 Civica, staff governor elections
DPIA0558 Carers trial
DPIA0561 LEAP e-learning platform

Data protection officer

This trust has appointed a qualified data protection officer:

Caroline J Britten, Data Protection Officer and Head of Information Governance:


This trust does not process the majority of its data outside the EU or EEA.

Where this occurs appropriate checks are undertaken, and privacy notices will be updated accordingly.

Page last reviewed: January 15, 2025
Next review due: January 15, 2026

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