Kathryn Lavery, Chair
Kath joined the trust as Chair on 1 December 2022. She was first appointed to an NHS board in 1998 and since then served as the chair of West Hull Primary Care Trust and NHS Hull, as a non-executive director of Navigo (a community interest company which runs NHS mental health services in North East Lincolnshire). She served as a Hull city councillor from 1998 to 2007 and chair of Yorkshire ambulance service from 2016 to 2022.
Kath was previously chair of Humber business week steering group, and was a consultant to the University of Hull’s faculty of health sciences.
She now serves as the audit chair at Locala health and wellbeing community interest company (CIC), is the chair of the advisory board for Space2BHeard CIC, chair of the advisory committee on clinical impact awards (ACCIA) Yorkshire and Humber panel, a member of the ACCIA national committee and is an honorary Alderman of Hull.
Page last reviewed: September 17, 2024
Next review due: September 17, 2025
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